Monday, June 20, 2011

Father's Day 2011

I love Father's Day!  I am the luckiest girl in the world-I found my perfect match in high school.  We became the best of friends and have always had the most fun together.  We have been through much of our "growing up" experiences together.  We have made good decisions and bad decisions together.  But perhaps the most important thing we have done is the decision to start a family. 
We always knew we would have kids-it was never a question.  But the moment Connor was born changed our lives forever.  I watched Ryan change into a father instantly.  It is something I'll never fully to be able to explain into words, but a change I will never forget.  When he laid eyes on Connor, his world was turned upside down in the best way possible.  He has always been there to change diapers in the middle of the night, get cranberry juice while I was nursing, comfort me while I cried (happily) for no reason.  He has cheered Connor on through ever new step in his life.  He encouraged him to roll over and manned the video camera to capture it on tape.  He laughed as Connor did his "superman".  He stayed home for a couple weeks while I went back to work to bond with his son.  He has been there for his tumbles, his tears, and his triumphs every step of the way.  Now, he hurries home from work to wrestle with Connor and spend every second he can with him before it's time for bed.  He takes him outside to swing and blow bubbles, and shows tremendous patience when whining takes place and tantrums are thrown. 
The point is...he's not just a father, he's a Daddy.  He is Connor's favorite man in the world, the person Connor will look up to all of his life. 

So, we made sure Ryan knew just how much he was loved this weekend (or at least that was the goal!).  He works so hard at his job every day to support us, and often works just as hard around the house on the weekends.  This weekend, we found someone to come do the front, back and side yards.  It's a TON of work!  We had many bushes and plants that needed some help from the winter freeze, and it's hard for Ryan to keep up.  Ryan supervised, and was amazed at how quickly they worked and what a great job they did.  He would have been out there all weekend for two weeks in a row to do what they had done in 3 hours.  Whew!  He loved it!
The morning of Father's Day, I let Ryan sleep in and when he got up I made coffee and pancakes (a specialty of mine, not to brag!  I just love pancakes, what can I say!)-some with blueberries and some with bananas (and chocolate chips for me).  He opened his presents-two new books to read to Connor that teach him about basketball, a picture collage of the two of them, and a stepping stone with Connor's cute footprint in it for his nice, clean yard!  Then we got ready and went to the Diamondbacks game!  Ryan's sister and husband invited us along to a friends' suite for the game, which was perfect for Connor, their little one, Jack, and Ryan's oldest sisters' kiddos, Alyssa and Brendan to run around the room and play while still watching the game.  It was AWESOME!  A great day with family, kids, hot dogs, popcorn and baseball!  (even if the dbacks did lose!)
We came home and played some more before heading out to Ryan's favorite BBQ place, Bobby Q's.  PS-I'm so glad I made a reservation.  That place was packed!  We had some yummy bbq, and I even let Ryan pick dessert.

Ryan said he felt the love, so I think we did our job.  I sure hope he knows how much he is loved and appreciated by us every day.  I don't know what we would do without him!

Swim Lessons Round 1

I've been wanting to put Connor in swim lessons since last summer.  Many of my friends take their kids to Hubbard, which has an amazing reputation, but is also year round and a whopping $75 a month for one day a week.  So, I decided to wait until this summer to make sure Connor is old enough to start understanding the lessons being taught in the water...even better, the City of Glendale offers swim for $21 a session, four days a week for two weeks.  It gives us something to do to burn off energy in the hot afternoons when we can't go outside.  Plus this preggo enjoys the water as much as Connor does!
Connor did A-MAZ-ING!  I knew he was a water kid, but he literally cried when he saw the water...and not because he was scared-it was because he wanted in RIGHT NOW!  As we stood there with our instructor getting introduced, Connor cried because he saw the giant pool of blue, and could not understand why we were not in it.  This happened every single day for the first week.  I think he finally got the drift by the last day of class.
Each day, we practiced skills like blowing bubbles in the water (yeah...we'll work on that.  He swallowed more than anything else), singing "Pop Goes the Weasel" to learn to splash, singing "Motor Boat" to get used to the chilly water, climbing out of the pool (Connor's personal best, my little monkey!), Monkey Walks on the side of the pool (did great with support), Back Floats (hated), and holding on to a noodle while kicking (also one of his strong points). 
I loved our routine.  We went a little before 5:00, which gave Connor some time to have a drink and snack and play a little before we were out the door, and by the time we came home, Ryan was home and we ate and got ready for bed.  I have never seen this boy eat so much in his life!  He ate at least two helpings of whatever we had for dinner-meats, veggies and fruit-it didn't matter, he was starving!
This week, we are getting ready for our big trip to Montana, and would miss half of the session.  We'll be back at it again in July, and we can't wait! 
Ryan was able to come to one of the lessons, so here are a few pictures of my two favorite men.  It was so cute to watch them!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

20 weeks and 19 months

We say it constantly, but time flies by!  I am half way through my pregnancy.  HALF WAY!  It seemed like forever to get here with Connor, but life with a 19 month old seems to make the days zoom by.  Here is a quick update in the life of our busy household!  *Disclaimer: it may not be so quick!*

On Tuesday, I went in for my 20 week appointment.  I've gained 7 pounds now since the beginning of my pregnancy-I was concerned I may not be eating enough, but she says all is fine and that I should be gaining about a pound a week from here on out.  She got the heartbeat after this baby girl bounced around my belly for a minute.  She moves ALL. THE. TIME.  Seriously-Ryan felt her for the first time about a week and half ago.  After breakfast yesterday (blueberry pancakes-apparently, she's a fan!) I had Ryan put his hand on by belly and she gave him a huge kick!  It freaked him out how strong she is already.  I told him that's exactly what I feel literally all day long.  I swear she's just swimming from one end to the other and bouncing off the walls.  Let's hope she gets it all out now and is nice and calm when she joins our family in a few months!! 
I had my ultrasound at 18 weeks, which hasn't given the uterus much time to grow.  Therefore, my placenta was just a little too close for comfort to the cervix.  Not a big deal from what the ultrasound tech said, but my Dr. wants me to go back on the 22nd just to make sure it's moved a safe distance away.  If not, it'll be some rest for me because of a little previa.  I'm not worried about it-I'm just excited to see our baby girl again!!!  What luck!
Nesting is in full swing already.  I think that's due to the fact that I know how fast the days are moving by.  I put my poor husband to work this weekend rearranging the house.  We switched our living rooms (again!) and moved the sectional back into our living room for more seating space.  Connor is sitting on the couch with us more, and our little couch wasn't cutting it.  So, when we have 4 of us that want sprawling out space, we'll have it!  Not to mention the visitors that will come meet our baby girl!  Then, Ryan gave up his office and moved the computer and all that comes with it into our other living room.  It actually looks pretty good!  Next to that room is a small carpeted dining room which never gets used.  That is now a play area for Connor, and hides all of his toys nicely when people come in the door.  Now all I have to do is finish cleaning out the office and guest room, and start buying some furniture to put in her room.  Goal: get it done before school starts again!
I'm very lucky to be feeling so good.  My appetite is back to great, and I'm eating a lot of small meals throughout the day.  Since Connor wants what I have, it's a good reminder to choose some healthier snacks.  My energy is back, and I'm still sleeping great.  I know I have to savor this-in another month or two, my stomach whill shrink and I'll be peeing every hour through the night! :)

I could go on and on about my little man.  It could be the pregnancy emotions, but let's face it: I'm a cryer anyway!  For the past 19 months, it's just been the two of us, and I'm about to change all that!  So, I'm trying so hard every day to make sure we are making the best memories together.  I know he won't remember, but I still feel the need.  Here are some of the things I don't want to forget at this age!
*his "shake" game-he shakes his head til he's dizzy, then I shake mine to tickle his face and kiss him all over.  He giggles like crazy!  I love it!
*playing chase around the house with Ryan.  He grabs my hand and we have to go find him.  Ryan will jump out and scare him, and we go running laughing around the corner to find him again.  (on this note: how he LOVES when Ryan comes home.  It's automatic wrestle time-these two are best buds-it's amazing to watch)
*kisses-only for the people he knows well.  So far-me, Ryan, Nana, and his sitter Rachel.  Sometimes, if he's in a really good mood, other people will.  He even gave Aunt Jennie kisses when she was in town.
*his love of the darn DVD player.  I'm not sure other kids his age know how to work the DVD player as well as he does.  And I swear it's not because he sits in front of the tv all day!  He just loves to press the button, take out the DVD, and push it back in.  This happens OVER AND OVER.  My mom brought over her old dvd player just so he doesn't wear ours out.  Best toy ever.
*he brings his shoes whenever he wants to go outside, which is often.  I laugh every time because he brings them, sits down, and sticks one foot up in the air.  You can't resist kissing his little fat feet.
*his friendship with Sammi, our dog.  He goes up to her, and whacks her three times on the back.  Sammi loves it because she's getting attention.  They also both love bubbles equally right now...and water.  They'll be good friends! 
*his OCD with having doors shut.  If it's the refrigerator, drawer, or doors in the house, he has to shut them.  It's cute, but sometimes I get slammed with the refrigerator door if I"m not paying attention!
*He knows I kiss him all over right before I get him out of the carseat.  As soon as I open the door, he gets a big grin on his face and prepares himself for our kissing game.
*At naptime or bedtime, when I say "Let's go nite-nite", he grabs my hand and his blankie, and we walk to bed.  On the tile, we have to pick up our right leg and stomp, but that stops when we hit the carpet.  Then we read two books (after he's opened and shut the door a few times), and off to dreamland he goes.
*Our sneak peak before bed-Ryan and I sneak in, give him a little rub on the back or kiss on the head, comment on how huge he looks and how peaceful he sleeps all snuggled with his blankie.
*His love of starbucks...well the cups anyway!  I'm threatening to get him his own because he loves drinking out of my reusable cup so much!

I know there's a million more things, but these are part of our every day routine.  I know that changes so often, so although it may seem so common now, I know that in 6 months I'll look back and miss it.

I'm also hoping that between now and then, this boy TALKS!!!  He is so stinkin smart.  He knows absolutely everything you are saying, to the point where you almost have to spell it out if you don't want him to understand.  Yet, he's not speaking.  He makes noises, he babbles, he follows your verbal directions, etc.  But he just refuses to speak.  I repeat all the things I want him to say-just one word or two word phrases, and nothing.  I know this is the difference between boys and girls, and in children in general, but holy moly, I need him to start talking.  We are  getting frustrated with each other because he knows what he wants, and most of the time I do too (which is why I think he's gotten away with not talking for so long in the first place), but we can only go so far without some verbal communication.  I hope it comes soon!!

Other than that, we are heading to Montana in 3 weeks, and I can't wait!  Connor is going to love it there this year, and I can't wait for Ryan and I to be able to spend the whole day outside exploring with him.  Last year in Montana he started crawling and pulling himself up, so who knows-maybe he'll learn to talk with all the family chatter around him!

Sorry for the long update-I know it's been awhile!