34 Weeks Preggo
Weight:146 lbs
Doctor's Visits:
I went in at 31 weeks, and my fundal measurement was small. I should be 31 cm, but was measuring in at 28. Weird, because I felt huge! Dr. Jaacks then came in to double check my measurement, and then told me that she'd like me to have an ultrasound to make sure Baby Girl is growing correctly and didn't have a growth *gasp* abnormality. Way to scare a pregnant lady!! She asked me to take it easy until we knew for sure. So, I got the call the next day to get in for the ultrasound, and had to wait an entire week. That week, I ate 20 lbs worth of cottage cheese and luna bars to try to bulk her up with protein just in case I wasn't giving her what she needed. However, I knew she was fine. Like I've posted before, this girl HURTS me when she moves, so if she was small, she was strong!
The day finally came for our ultrasound. Let me tell you, I was excited. The last ultrasound we had with Connor was when we found out he was a boy at 18 weeks!! This was a real treat, and I couldn't wait to see what she looked like at 32 weeks in there. It was INCREDIBLE! She had the hiccups, and we could see her diaphram move up and down with each one. I could see just what was making me hurt (her foot, and her tush that she push up against my belly). The ultrasound tech had fun with her-trying to get her to keep her hands and feet out of her mouth, but my little girl was stubborn! Her measurements were right where they should be at 49th percentile, and she weighed in at 4.3 lbs, which will put us on the track for her to be about 7 1/2 pounds when she is born. I can handle that, since Connor was 7 lbs 14 oz! They have said at every single ultrasound how perfect her heart is, and I can't hear that enough! She even brought in another tech to show her, and made the comment "That's what a healthy heart looks like-Don't you wish they all looked like that?" My heart melted, and I realized how lucky we are to have two such healthy kids! How blessed we are!
Then the big surprise came...she did 4D! Normally, 3D ultrasounds cost hundreds of dollars-a. I'm not willing to pay that b. I do have SOME patience to see what my babies look like. However, it's required for a growth ultrasound, so what the heck? Holy cow, is she CUTE!!! She looks SO much like Connor...right down to the cute little nose, wideset eyes, and forehead that sticks out a little. She even opened her eyes!! I didn't even know they did that in there, but there she was, opening and closing her eyes in the darkness! She was sticking her tongue out, swallowing, sucking on her hand, yawning. It was just amazing. It made me so much more anxious for the next few weeks to go by so we can meet her in person! (and hopefully have a name picked out for her!)
I go in next week, when I am 35 weeks, and they start checking my cervix then. (Sorry if that's too much information! It's just as uncomfortable as it sounds!) That will be weekly, until our little active girl is here. I just can't believe time has flown by so much that we are just weeks away!

Ryan got the bright idea to order off Amazon. We haven't done anything to the room since we painted it and got the bedding in. So, we decided on a very pretty white crib that came with a toddler rail (ps: I don't even want to think about her being a toddler...it's going to fly by!), and then into a full, just like Connor's crib does! That came in yesterday, and the changing table should be here next week too. Ryan's mission is to get that put together this weekend. It's coming together!
Connor is 22 months!!
I update on Connor so much on facebook, that I feel like everyone knows just what he does and how he is. Lately, he's been my little snugglebug. For awhile there, as soon as we were done with books and turned out the light, he was ready to be put into his crib and go to sleep on his own. Last week, though, I went to put him in his crib, and he turned around and put his arms around my neck and snuggled right in. I couldn't resist, so I sat back down in the rocker, and we rocked and snuggled until he was asleep. I walked out of that room and cried like a baby. He's such a sweetheart, and he and I are attached. We have a special bond that is absolutely indescribable. I understand him, and even when he frustrates me, I can always figure out why and fix it. Each night since then, he's done the same thing. I'm savoring it, because I know things are about to change for him in a big way.
Maybe he gets that? Does he sense that his world of "Connor" is about to be rocked off its' axis? That Mom is no longer going to be able to cater to his every need? Who knows, but for the next 6 weeks, I will continue to snag every chance of "us" time that I can. I'm feeling a HUGE amount of guilt...hoping that he will handle becoming a big brother and a family of four in a positive way, hoping that we can handle the tantrums I'm sure are to come, and the jealousy or confusion he might feel. Luckily, I have a great support system of family and friends who have offered some great advice of how they have handle similar situations. I know that the guilt I feel is normal, and that it will all be ok.
But still, he's 22 MONTHS!! Oh how time flies. He's going to be two. years. old. in just a couple months! He's starting to communicate more, but we're still not making much progress on actual words. I was hoping we would by this point, but I'm just giving him time. We've moved to 2T or 24 month shirts, finally in 18 month shorts (but not because the 12 months don't fit around they waist-they do, but they are too short), and I just bought him two new pairs of size 6 shoes. The poor kid was wearing size 5-he put these on today and ran around the store happy as can be! He still loves to color, still loves his Baby Einstein (although I think his love for these are FINALLY fading), and still loves to swing. He's growing and learning over at Rachel's every single day, and has become great at keeping himself occupied and playing on his own-a skill I am thankful for as I will become a little busy with a newborn here soon. His smile still lights up a room and melts our hearts, and his eyes are still as sweet yet mischievous as ever. He's still my baby...for now!