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I can't believe I am actually writing this post! Today is December 9th, (I know, it took me awhile to post this) which means Brooke is TWO MONTHS old today! Our sweet girl is growing so incredibly fast! Here are her two month stats from her doctor visit and development!
*22 1/2 inches (58th%), grown 2 inches since birth
*10 lbs, 9 oz (44%), gained 3 lbs 3 oz since birth
*size 0-3 months clothes and some 3 month (just not the pants)
*size 1 diaper
*still nursing, but will drink bottles of pumped milk
*when on her stomach, can lift her head to look straight at you-not for too long, but she's getting there!
*likes to sit up and look at everyone and everything-inlcuding her crazy brother who runs around the house at night!
*coos at you when you talk to her
*loves to be swaddled
*loves to be held
*loves her swing when she's sleepy
*not so much a fan of laying on her back to play or be in the bouncer seat for too long
Check out these smiles! She definitely is a Daddy's Girl already! When Ryan talks to her, she coos and gives him THE BIGGEST smiles ever! He's in serious trouble...and he knows it! I love her cute little smile-it reminds me of how sweet and innocent she is, how much happiness she has to look forward to! I love the brightness in her eyes and the little corners that turn up on her usual frowny face. Sweet, sweet, Brooke!

I started back at work on November 23rd, and she is spending the mornings with Connor at their sitter, Rachel's house. I think Rachel was excited to have not only a baby, but a girl! There are currently all boys with the exception of one lonely 2 year old girl (who was also excited for some extra estrogen in the house). I got Brooke adjusted to take a bottle awhile back and she does so well with it. I just have to make sure I remember to pump enough for a couple bottles! It did feel strange getting her ready that first day. I did great until I pulled down the street to drop them off...that's when the tears started. I choked them back, got my babies out of the car, and walked them up to the door. As I was explaining instructions for Brooke, I started again! (I have to throw in here that I am so incredibly grateful for Rachel-she is AMAZING and loves my children so much! She is the reason I was absolutely at peace with going back to work at 6 weeks!) I quickly left and got myself to work before all of the makeup was off my face. Luckily, the three hours went by SO quickly! I was back to pick them up in no time, and realized that it was going to be easier than I thought. I LOVE my kids, but it was nice to get dressed in professional clothes, do my job and talk to adults. It's even better that I only do that for a short time before I get to leave and spend the rest of the day with Connor and Brooke. I count my blessings for such a great balance every single day!!!!
Then I get to come home! Connor has lunch, and usually Brooke too. I have had to figure out a system for a lunch routine. This was SO EASY with just Connor. But now...well it takes some creativity. I have to leave Brooke in her carseat for a few minutes while I get Connor's lunch ready. Elmo's World gets turned on or he plays. Then I give him his lunch and milk. By this time, Brooke is usually yelling at me to get her out of the carseat to eat. So, I either have to leave Connor at the table until he's done while I feed Brooke or I take the Boppy over to the table with me and they both have their lunch! Then I put Brooke in her swing or bouncer while I put Connor down. On really nice days, Brooke is passed out in her swaddle in her crib. On not so nice days, she has to cry for a few minutes while Connor and I get a little snuggle time in-usually it is the latter. We read a few books in his room, listen to his music, and cuddle until I put him down. He usually whines because I think he wants more mom time, but at that point, Brooke can be really upset! Whew! I finally get out to Brooke and then she wants to finish lunch before she officially is down for the count. I love this part of the day because I just get to sit with her, rock and just take in all of her cuteness!

Dinner time is the harder part of the day as well. They are both up from naps. Connor likes to go outside or play with his toys inside. Brooke will hang out in her bouncer and stare at the lights in the kitchen for a short amount of time. I'm counting down the minutes until Ryan gets home, because usually both of them are crying at me! Poor Ryan has worked all day, driven in rush hour, and comes home to be put to work! Ahh, the life of a parent! He takes whichever child is in the most need of something, and I finish dinner. By the time I get food on the table for everyone, Brooke is usually hungry unless Ryan has been able to give her a bottle. This is the beginning of her fussy time, and there have been many meals with Brooke in one arm and a fork in the other!
After dinner, one of us tends to Brooke/cleans up dinner while the other gives Connor a bath and gets him ready for bed. This time is pretty busy as well, but we are really getting the hang of it. Finally, after some rocking, feeding, reading and music, they are both down. Whew! Then we sit on the couch for a few minutes together before one of us is about to fall asleep and we decide to go back to bed. Then we check on both of our babies before we join them in dreamland!
Christmas is coming soon and I can't wait! Then I'll be hurrying to write Brooke's three month post! Slow down!