Thursday, March 29, 2012

Brooke's 5 month, Connor and other news!

Our two little ones are growing so fast that it's getting hard to keep up!  Brooke has been sleeping a little less, but settling into a nice routine.  This just means I have less time for oh, say...blogging, cleaning, laundry, workouts etc!  But that's ok because I'm getting to spend time with the two best kids in the world.  

I've made the decision to go back to work full time next year.  This was a difficult decision, but it's time.  I feel like I've been the luckiest mom in the world to have Ryan support the decision to spend so much quality time as a stay at home mom.  It meant giving up money to put into savings, going out to dinner, buying random things at Costco, and regulary haircuts.  But what it did buy me was the opportunity to see Connor's every first and document it, see his beautiful smiles and watch his personality flourish.  I'm getting to do the very same thing with Brooke.  And by the time I go back to work, she'll be almost a year old, so I'm hoping I'll still get to be there for all of her firsts!  Plus I know that both of my children are in the best hands possible with their sitter, who has become a great friend to me the past year.  She is a wealth of knowledge and has the same morals and values that we hope to instill in our children.  She spends so much of her life loving other people's children, and I often refer to her as Connor's BFF because he loves going there so much!  I'm excited to also get to be a professional again, and then be able to come home and spend a ton of quality time with my family.  I'll have to remind myself that quality is superior to quantity! 
I'm 5 months!

Brooke is now almost 6 months old.  I'll update you more on her growth at her 6 month mark, but some firsts she had during her 5th month of life are:
*sleeping longer
*first time in the bouncer...she's like a little rabbit jumping up and down so much!
*can't fit in the swing anymore-Ms. Piggy's little tush hits the ground! (it's a travel one)
*feet are ALWAYS in her mouth if she's laying down.  Seriously.  Diaper changes, bedtime, when she wakes up, when you hold her laying flat, while eating, etc.
*giggles and laughs constantly.  This girl is SO ticklish! 
*holds toys and puts them directly in her mouth
*eats 6-8 ounces at each feeding, which means I can't keep up.  I still nurse at nap and dinner, but that's it!  I actually stopped pumping right before our trip to California.
*first time in snow!  (more to come)
*first time at the beach! (more to come)
*Wears size 2 diapers
*Wears size 6 month clothes
I know, not the best picture, but I couldn't help it!  I love the rolls on her thighs, and this outfit!

Busy working away!

Connor is doing AMAZING in his big boy bed!  One of us will lay in bed with him, read a couple books, turn on his music and then usually he wants to count to ten, announcing "Oooooone!" holding up one finger.  Then he touches each of your fingers and tries to repeat the numbers.  Then it's lights out, "Nigh-Night" and blows kisses.  Some nights he gets out of bed and opens and shuts the door until we tell him to get back in bed, but most nights he's asleep in no time.  This is one of those milestones you hear horror stories about, but since Connor has been sleeping in his own bed in his own room since he was 3 weeks old, I really think he's comfortable in there-crib or bed!  We even went on vacation (see post) and he slept in the hotel bed all by himself!  It was awesome!  He is also talking more and more.  He really tries to repeat everything you say.  We're still having to learn what some words mean, as he has trouble saying /l/, /y/, /r/, /g/, /j/.  Any of those sounds he kind of skips over, or replaces with another sound.  He has a Baby Einstein alphabet book that he got from Nana (Yaya as he calls her) that he likes to say the sounds with, and also a dvd from Grandma that he loves to watch and repeat.  He's really catching on quick.  Crazy that two months ago I was getting ready to sign him up for speech testing and therapy!

Daddy's girl!

Ryan has been a little slow at work and has been on 36 hour weeks.  This has allowed him to stay at home with the kids on Friday mornings.  At first, he was really excited to spend some extra time with his kiddos, but quickly realized how difficult it is!  Both kids seem to need him for something at the same time and decide to whine just when he's had about enough.  We've all been there, right!?!  He's so good at keeping a cool head and figuring the situation out.  Since the weather has been so nice, he usually loads them up in the stroller and goes for a run or to the park.  They are good and worn out by the time I get home for lunch-Daddy included!!

Well, there's a quick overview about life around here lately!  Next up...snow and beach trips!