Height: 2 feet, 4 inches
Weight: 20 pounds
Diapers: size 4
Clothes: 12 months
Shoes: 4
Teeth: 8 in front (4 on top, 4 on bottom) 1 molar is in, 2 more are coming!
One Year!
Brooke had her first birthday on October 9th. We had a birthday party for her and Connor the weekend before here in San Diego at one of our favorite beaches, Crown Point. It's a great beach with playgrounds and grassy areas right next to the sand and water which is perfect since Brooke eats sand. Gross! My family came to town to celebrate, and it was so great having them here. We miss them so much, and the kids loved having all the extra people to play with! Ryan and Robert got to the beach early to set up while the kids took a quick nap. When we got there, we set up the rest as our other San Diego friends arrived. Ryan barbequed burgers and dogs and everyone ate and played like crazy! I got Brooke a sea-green colored tutu, since it was a beach theme, with an owl onesie, because that is her nursery theme. Aunt Jennie shared her necklace with Brooke because she was pretty obsessed with it. She loves her shoes and jewlery! She looked adorable!
Brooke started walking at 11 months. She didn't want to use furniture-she had to wait until she could go from sitting, to crouching, to standing then taking steps in one full sweep. Once she started, she was determined! (ps: she waited until Ryan got home to take her first steps-total Daddy's girl!) Within days, she was walking more than she was crawling, and now she walks so fast you lose her if you don't keep your eye on her! She got her first new shoes (other than the Robeez) at the wonderful BOGO half off sale at Stride Rite. She didn't like them at first, but now she'll bring them to me to wear around the house. She looks so stinkin cute walking around too. This little petite thing with her hands in the air-it's adorable! She gets so excited too, when she reaches you after the long trek around the house.
She says "hi" and waves and of course, "Dada". When I let Connor and Brooke know that Ryan is home, they both run to the door shouting for him. What a welcoming! She is very interesed in learning new words, bringing me books to read, pointing to pictures and looking up at me. Her latest is a Halloween book with the main character, Biscuit, who is a dog. She now says "dah" and points to him. She's a quick learning, and my prediction is she'll be a little more communicative than her brother. (maybe potty train a little faster too? I know, I'm getting ahead of myself!)
She eats EVERYTHING!!! Well, excepts beans. She's learned that she doesn't like the texture of the bean skin, and immediately spits that right out. She'll eat any fruit, veggie or protein. Her latest is munching on sugar snap peas. She's the best eater at the table at every single meal! It's actually worked to our benefit-we praise her for eating her food, that it's actually helping Connor to try more foods and eat his vegetables! We ran out of formula right before her first birthday, so she's been on milk since then. Sorry to be graphic, but her poops are downright disgusting. It's been almost 2 weeks now, and they're still putrid. I'm trying to ween her off the bottle, but admit to giving it to her before bed because it makes her so sleepy! She's been using a sippy cup for months now, but I guess I'm holding on to the last "baby" thing for sentimental reason. Don't worry, I won't let it get out of hand. I am looking forward to packing those things up for good!
She really is our spunky family member. She's always on the go, never sits still, hates watching any movies and would rather be playing with Connor's trucks. Ryan thinks she'll be our athlete-she's fearless and will leap off furniture at any given moment-little adrenaline junkie! She's a drama queen, and will throw herself on the ground and get real tears going at a moments' notice. She's not the snuggler unless she's sick, tired, or hurt, but lately she will sit on my lap to read a book or play with my phone. When she looks up at you with those sparkly eyes, you literally feel yourself melting (Yup, we're in trouble when she's older!). Her smile and laugh are contagious. When I see her try to follow her brother around, I hope for a healthy life long friendship. She's a great sleeper, and still takes 2 naps a day and sleeps through the night, waking up at 6:30 each morning. She's in to EVERYTHING-you always have to make sure to shut the toilet lids or it because a water table, close cabinets or everything is out, and put away folded laundry unless you really enjoy folding them a hundred times. She likes to brush her hair and use her own fork to eat her food. We've turned her around in the carseat and she's a happy camper to be sitting like big brother! We love her to pieces, and I can't believe she's been in our lives for a year now. I can't wait to see how much she grows and learns in the coming months!