Wednesday, October 17, 2012


It's been a few months since I have posted.  We are finally feeling settled her in San Diego, and I feel like I can breathe a little easier and sit down during nap time to catch up with the blog world.  Thankfull, facebook and emails have kept my friends and family in the "know" with the kids for the most part, but I'd like to get back on track with keeping updated on the blog.  So, I'll post two-one for Connor and one for Brooke with their latest developments!

Height: 3 feet, 1 inch
Weight: 29 pounds (he's a stringbean!)
Diapers: Only at nap and night because he's a deep sleeper, and still a size 4
Clothes: 2T or 3 on bottom, 3 on tops
Shoes: 7 1/2

Potty Training:
So, we've been potty training for a little while now.  He does awesome while we are at home.  I don't have to even remind him anymore-he just goes pee when he needs to go!  He prefers being naked on the bottom with a t-shirt on during the day.  He does well though if he's wearing underwear, although we have more accidents when he does.  We haven't tried peeing in public yet.  The poor guy has always been afraid of public bathrooms (who can blame him?  They smell, they are loud, and there are weird people there sometimes!, which is why I think I I have not fully committed to potty training.  He also will NOT poop on the potty.  He holds it all morning until I put a diaper on for his nap. Then he poops away.  I tried just putting him in underwear instead of a diaper, and that turned out to be a gigantic, smelly mess.  I'm trying to offer him extra special treats for standing to pee (like Daddy, as he says) or pooping in the potty, but there's just something about the poo poo that he refuses to do do. Sigh.  We have made big strides with going out for quick errands and he even went to preschool yesterday in his underwear.  He'll get there, I know he will-he's just my stubborn boy who has always done things on his own time.

When we moved here, we quickly realized that preschool starts early.  I wanted to get him in somewhere with a good reputation, but since we moved in July, most schools were already full.  I made a friend at the train park with kids the same age as Connor and Brooke who recommended a great Lutheran preschool, and we got Connor on the waiting list.  A week later, they called with an opening for one day a week in the mornings.  The first day was rough-he cried, I cried, and I had to leave him with the teacher while listening to him yelling for "Mommy" all the way back to my car. Sad day!  She said he didn't take long to join the rest of the kids for playtime though.  The next week, he started to whine, but as soon as he saw his friends he jumped down and ran in without looking back.  The third week, I was talking to his teacher and he came up to me, looked at me, and very sternly said "BYE MOMMY!", like I was ruining his two year old reputation!  Needless to say, he loves it!  He's already brought home a finger painting triangle, apple stampings, and a handprint spider craft.  He looks at them every day and says, "I did it with my friends!". 
In addition to preschool, I signed up at LA Fitness nearby.  He hated going there too for a few days, but now I tell him we are going to the gym, and he gets his shoes and gets ready to get in the car ready to see his friends there.  Since we left Rachels, I have been concerned about making sure he stays social, especially with his delayed speech.  These things seem to help, along with a few new friends we've made here in the area.

In Phoenix, we were ready to have him start speech after his evaluation.  He was only speaking with one word, wouldn't answer questions, etc and we were worried.  Since that time, he has greatly improved.  He now has a few full sentences, mostly phrases, and we can understand most of what he says.  However, he is still behind for a 3 year old.  I know boys take longer, and there are definite improvements from where he was just a few months ago, but I just don't want him to be frustrated with his communication.  We are in the process of deciding whether to give him some more time and monitor, or get him into speech while I am still at home and have the freedom to take him during the day. 


Connor loves Curious George, Charlie Brown and the Great Pumpkin, Elmo's World, bubbles, playing with the hose, pushing the stroller, pretending to have a picnic, playing with trucks, playing matching games, flashlights, wrestling with Daddy, his worn out blue raquet balls, watching ducks in the pond, Honeycrisp apples, cookies, and snuggling with good books before bed.  I caught him reading to Brooke, giving her hugs and kisses, and sharing toys but he can also be found pushing or trying to tackle her when she takes his stuff.  He is getting better about trying new foods (especially when a cookie is at stake!) and listening the first time.  He is getting used to going to time out, and will willingly go to his time out chair when he's done something he shouldn't.  He comes right back out and says "sorry for..." to whoever he has been ugly to.  He loves going to Trader Joe's with me because I let him push the kid cart.  He misses his family, and often tries to facetime with Yaya and Grandma.  He is sweet and stubborn all at the same time.  He tells me "I yuv you", and "sweet dreams" before bed.  He is growing way too fast, and I can't seem to slow it down!

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