The post really should say for the love of illness with a sarcastic tone, but this is supposed to be a positive blog...therefore...
For the past three weeks, someone in our house has been sick. I shouldn't complain because we went for about an entire year without Connor getting sick! Then the common baby cold turned into croup (of course on the night that Ryan leaves for elk hunting). Just when I thought that was getting better, Connor got a fever last weekend that lasted for two and half days before I finally got the sense to call the pediatrician. I was DIBELS testing, so Ryan was kind enough to take Connor in. Turns out his cold had now turned into bronchiolitis, and was close to pneumonia if we hadn't taken care of it in time! So, with a week and half of breathing treatments, Connor is finally back to normal, with an occasional cough now and then. It was so sad to see him not feeling well-he just looked and sounded miserable! It's hard when they can't tell you what doesn't feel good. I will say I did enjoy all the snuggle time with my feverish baby though...what a good feeling it is to be "Mommy" when your child is sick!
Ryan and I have been passing around the cold to each other too. I have been popping sudafed like it's candy, and Ryan swears by Cold-eeze. I think I'm finally on the mend of this never-ending cold. Thank goodness this will all be done by the time Christmas is here!
So, for the love of modern medicine...for breathing machines, cold-eeze, sudafed, steroids and benadryl! Otherwise, where would we be???
#14 - Go to New York City with Mike
8 years ago
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