I can't believe Christmas and New Year's is over already! It always seems to sneak up on us, and then pass us before our very eyes.
We were anticipating Christmas this year. Not only was Connor on his 2nd round of breathing treatments and steroids, he didn't care at all last year...not even for the bows so we often reapeated "Next year...". Fast forward to this Christmas!
We ventured out to Glendale Glitters this year sans stroller. We let Connor walk and I had Brooke in the Ergo-which she LOVES by the way! Connor did great! He loved all the lights, the petting zoo, kettle korn and even watched a good amount of Polar Express on the big screen! Definitely something we will do every year!
Connor and Daddy watching Polar Express |
Dark, but me, Connor & Brooke watching Polar Express eating Kettle Korn |
And let's not forget one of the best parts...BAKING!!! Connor helped me decorate the cookies this year, and he took this job VERY seriously!! He was so cute!
On December 23rd, the four of us packed up for the day and went to Ryan's mom's. His stepsister, Deon, was in town with her three kids and we wanted to spend some time with them. It was so much fun to see them play with our neice and nephew, who are the same age as Deon's oldest. Her youngest, Chloe, is a little over a year and Connor had fun playing with her!
After Connor woke up from his nap, we heard it...that wheezy sound when he inhaled. Because of our FOUR experiences last year with croup, we knew immediately where this was headed. So, Ryan excitedly *sarcasm* packed Connor up and took him to urgent care while I stayed back with Brooke. He called a little while later to let me know that not only did he have croup, but strep on top of it. Ugh!! I should have known his throat hurt-he wasn't eating his normal foods, only soft cold foods for about a day. I just thought it was because he was so busy playing! :( It would help if he was talking, but that's a different story! Off we went to the pharmacy to pick up his steroids and antibiotics. I had the unpleasant task of letting everyone who had come in contact with him (namely all of his cousins that he had been playing with) what the result of the urgent care visit was. Of course I cried because I thought I had ruined Christmas. Yup, I can be a little overdramatic sometimes-I admit it! My in-laws assured me everything would be fine, and my mother in law made sure it was ok that we still came over Christmas Eve. The only problem was that my little nephew Jack had just recovered from croup, so he was going to stay home to nap instead. I felt awful that we were the cause of everyone not being there. Connor had 3 rounds of antibiotics and almost 24 hours by the time we went over (late), but he still just wasn't himself. Our kiddos were nonetheless spoiled rotten by Ryan's family, and Brooke was passed around to the family getting lots of love and kisses!! I changed them into the Christmas PJ's, and by the time we got home, they were both put to bed to wait for Santa.
(With all of this, I had to keep Brooke away from Connor. That meant no kisses from big brother, and I had to make sure he kept his gross hands out of his mouth and away from everyone, especially Brooke. It was quite fun...)
Christmas morning came and he saw his new cottage house from Santa, played in it for approximately 30 seconds, and wanted to sit with his juice and watch Elmo! All that time wrapping his presents, and he literally could not have cared less!! Ryan and I opened our gifts-I got him some new PJ pants (a big deal because he has to have the Tall size!), a new watch band for his watch, some DVD's, the Sons of Anarchy soundtrack, a Suns shirt and a beer brewing kit (he had been talking about doing this for a year now, but then decided it was too much work with two kids, so he has to pick out a new gift!). Connor and Brooke made him a collage with pictures of the three of them in a frame to hang.
I got an engraved necklace from the kids with a pearl (their birthstones are coming in the mail), a new watchband for my watch, some new pretty undies (woohoo!) and something that has been on my wishlist for YEARS! (seriously it was on my wedding registry) a KITCHENAID MIXER!!!!! Ryan spoiled me-he said with all the baking I've been doing, it's a gift for him too! Ha! I'm in love...
Now I have my own little family, and Ryan and I are having to make decisions about how we spend the holidays. Sometimes it's tough and we can't please everyone. However, I think to when Connor and Brooke are older and I want them to look back at their memories of Christmas with the same happiness that I do. I want them to remember Christmas morning with just the four of us in our new PJ's and the smell of coffee brewing, sticky buns baking and the lights and home made ornaments on the Christmas tree as they wait to open presents. I want them to remember digging into their stockings and opening their presents with excitement. It's moments and memories like these that I always imagined when having a family!
I can't wait to see what next Christmas has in store. I just hope we can skip the croup!
Well Ryan, Katy is just as gAWgeos as the day you met her... Congrats (wink, wink)!!