Four months! Am I really writing this?!?!
* Just over 12 pounds-we had to wait to go to for her 4 month visit since she was sick.
* ------ for length (will fill in after dr visit!)
* Neck is so strong! She's trying so hard to sit up. She's starting to fit on my hip! :)
* First church service on the 15th-It had been awhile since we went to church, and we missed the Vineyard! (Connor cried the whole time at the nursery, but Brooke did great!)
* First laughs! Brooke is soooo ticklish! Right under her chin to be exact-Ryan got her to laugh first, and is still the one that can make her laugh the hardest!
* First family hike! She traveled in the Ergo and slept the entire way up. The looks we got were pretty fun-Ryan with Connor in the Kelty and me with Brooke! Once we got to the top, the little stinker pooped her pants so bad that there was no salvaging the onesie. But since I'm a genius, I didn't bring even a wipe or diaper with me, so she had to sit in her own poop the whole way down. Otherwise, success!
* First GIRLS DAY!!! (minus Jennie) Mom, Aunt Mary, Aunt Carrie, Brooke and I went to the Glendale Chocolate Affaire in Downtown Glendale. It was so fun! Carrie bought us all totes with necessities. We didn't even need the stroller-Brooke just traveled in the arms of the wonderful women in our life!
* First SuperBowl! Ok, so this isn't that big of a deal, but for Daddy's sake, it's here!
* First solid food! Rice cereal constipated her, so we tried oatmeal. It's now becoming part of the evening routine, and she sleeps much better now! 6:30-6:30!
* Trying to hold her bottle. She grabs for it, and wants to hold it so badly. She can hold it for a few seconds, but then it drops.
* Nursing is still going strong! She still recieving mostly my milk, with about 2 oz of formula at each bottle feeding.
* Tyring to reach for toys. She gets so frustrated because she's trying to get her hands to catch up to her brain!
* She grabs her feet every chance she gets. As soon as you lay her down on the floor or in her seat, the feet fly up to her hands. It's pretty cute!
* Starting to pay so much more to her surroundings. She's nosy and inquisitive, and I love it! She's constantly paying attention to what everyone is doing, especially brother when he's around. When she's content, she loves to be sitting in someone's lap. She's definitely a cuddler, and I love it!
We can't wait to see what "firsts" Brooke will have in the next month!!
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