On October 9th, 2011 we all got up like any other day. I told myself I wasn't going to think about the baby coming. Instead, I was focusing on the fact that my Mom is moving out of her house into a new one, and I hadn't been much help. It's hard with an almost 2 year old and a giant belly to really do much, but on this day, we enlisted the help of Ryan's parents to watch Connor so Ryan and I could help Mom, Aunt Mary and Aunt Carrie move as much as we could before the baby did come. I got Connor ready and drove over to my in-laws, switched vehicles with them and came home. I had one errand to run-I needed a battery charger for the camera I had purchased from a guy on craigslist the day before. So, I quickly ran up to get that and a pomegranate tea from AJ's. I even texted my sis in law, Carly, and told her I had zero signs of the baby coming any time soon! I came home and Ryan and I ate some lunch to fuel up for the move-this was at noon. While I was chomping on my ham and cheese panini, I started feeling some contractions. I didn't get my hopes up though...this has happened before! However, this time was different...
I timed them. They were 10 minutes apart. I called Mom and let her know I was going to watch my contractions for an hour and then call her back. She told me "I think this is going to be it". I replied with "yeah, yeah" and finished watching a show. Ryan took advantage of the time by taking a nap (since he had gone out with some friends the night before). I went for a brisk walk around the neighborhood and park and worked up a good sweat. Now they were 7 minutes apart. When I got home, I sat on the big exercise ball, did some deep squats and cat/cow from yoga, and they maintained. I woke Ryan up and debated with him. He got up with me and we went for another walk around the park. During this walk, my contractions got down to 5 minutes apart, and I had to stop for some of them and breathe through them. By the time we got home, I called Mom and told her what was happening. My biggest fear was going to the hospital only to be sent home! It happens all the time! By 4:00, they were painful enough and still 5-6 minutes apart, so we decided it was time. My bag was ready, but Ryan threw as much as he thought he needed into his gym bag and we headed out the door. My mind was racing-I hadn't packed a bag for Connor. I only laid out his "Big Brother" outfit and the present I got for him from his sister, and the little pink giraffe he picked out for her. The carseat was ready, but I had taken out the base when my sister was here...etc. We walked into Banner Thunderbird. The last time we did this, I was there for an induction, so we got to skip triage altogether! In we went, got hooked up the monitors and waited. Sure enough, my contractions were strong enough and close together and I was at 4 cm. The doctor advised walking for an hour, and she needed to see change in order for me to be officially admitted. I was determined! Ryan and I not only walked, but ran up and down stairs, did jumping jacks, and even a few lunges and squats to make sure I showed that change!! (Well, actually, I did all that-Ryan made sure we had a pit stop at the cafeteria so he could get a drink. He also got me an icee-let me tell you, it was the best icee of my life!). We got back to the room at 5:30, and crossed our fingers and toes! Sure enough, I was at 5cm! She got in touch with the doctor, and they made the decision to admit me. Woohoo!!By 6:30, we were in our labor and delivery room. About an hour later, we decided to break my water to move things along, so I got my epidural (which only worked on the right side at first...thank goodness laying on my left side finally helped numb me!). We watched the contractions get stronger and our baby girl stay steady. My mom and aunts got there not long after and the wait began! We chatted about the new iphone, convinced Aunt Mary to take Carrie's ipod touch, and played with the new camera. I was still only about 6 cm, and were told it could be awhile-most likely our little girl would be an October 10th baby because she wouldn't be born before midnight. About that time, my mother in law arrived, and I got to catch up on Connor's day. I missed him so much! I also talked to my sister, who was at a wedding and in a different time zone, therefore had already taken advantage of the open bar. She was very excited, I think, through all those tears! :)
Suddenly, just as Carrie busted out the game of Quiddle, I felt the most intense pain of my life. It was that sheet gripping, face squinting, if-I-had-a-leather-strap-I'd-bite-it type of pain. It was 11:15. I told Ryan to get the nurse ASAP, and my family decided it was time to go to the waiting room. The nurse came in, showed me how to use the pain pump, and then checked me. She was shocked to see that I was 9 cm!! She said she'd come check me in a half an hour or so. Fifteen minutes later, I told Ryan to go get her again because the pain wasn't going away and I was feeling the need to push. She came back in (and I think was a little skeptical!) but checked, and sure enough-I was at 10 cm! She called to start getting people in the room to get ready for baby, and I looked at Ryan. This was it! She said to give her a couple pushes to see where I was, and then quickly told me to stop so she could get the doctor in there before the baby came! We were elated-Connor's birth was two and half of the longest hours of pushing. Poor guy was up high and not ready to come out, so to have 2 pushes down and be ready for her to come was incredibly exciting!
The doctor came in (ps-it wasn't my doctor, but a wonderful doctor from the practice who I liked very much!) and got herself ready. On the next contraction, I was to push. Our nurse, Jolie, took the camera from Ryan and snapped away while Ryan helped me push. TWO PUSHES, yes, TWO PUSHES later, we met our daugther. The umbilical cord was wound around her body, but she was absolutely perfect. She let out a few cries, and they put her directly on my immediately. Our eyes met, and we looked at each other like we were old friends. It was an amazing feeling to feel so good after giving birth to her (with Connor I was so exhausted and sick!!).
We gathered everyone back in the room, and introduced her. Everyone got some snuggle time in before we let them go to bed, and we prepared for our first night as parents of this beautiful little girl.
She has been amazing these past three weeks. Brooke is much easier than we thought considering how much she moved in the womb. She's still a mover, but very content and calm unless hungry or dirty. She sleeps well, and wakes up on average three times a night to eat, change and snuggle.
How is it as a family of four? It's a struggle at times to make sure we are giving Connor enough attention, or when he wants something and I am nursing Brooke. Thank God for a great support of family and friends! They have all helped so much and shown both of our babies so much love! We've realized that we can easily make it on our own, and that we work so well as a team which makes life easier. I wouldn't change a thing! I do know that this is it for us. As soon as she was born, I had an overwhelming feeling of complete-ness. Like this is the way our family is meant to be! I'm not sad about it either (well, most of the time-I'd be lying if I didn't say that I love the birthing process and the newborn stage, but I don't want to be pregnant and trying to take care of 2 kids!).
That's a beautiful story. Thanks so much for sharing. Congrats on your perfect family!