My little man turned TWO on November 2nd. I officially have a toddler. Whew! As I woke up to take his birth minute picture (Ryan thinks I'm crazy, but as long as he lives in my house, he will have his picture taken at 3:24 am every year!). And yes, I cried. I thought back to the night he was born, reliving how the day and night went, and how I felt when I officially became a mom. I love this little boy more than I can even say and am so incredibly privileged to be his mommy. He has taught me patience, how to live in the moment, have fun with the smallest things and to remember to stop and enjoy the little things in life like seeing an airplane in the sky or a bug on the ground. His smile can light up a room, and his eyes-oh those eyes!! There is something magical about his eyes. I think we're in trouble when he's older! We made sure to celebrate his two years with us over the course of a couple of days because he deserves it!
Here are his 2 year stats:
26.8 Pounds
(I can't remember height-now I have to call the dr!)
Size 2T shirts
Size 18 month pants
Size 4 diapers
Size 6W shoes
Finally likes something other than Baby Einstein: Elmo's World and Thomas
Loves his pal, Sammi
Is an amazing Big Brother-loves his sister already so much!
Still in his crib-big boy bed coming in the next few months
Loves racquet balls, or if there is a choice of colored balls, blue.
Loves building with the mega blocks
Loves being outside whenever possible
Loves to rock and read books before going to bed
Sweetheart-he really is my little lover boy! Loves kisses and cuddles!
Here are his 2 year stats:
26.8 Pounds
(I can't remember height-now I have to call the dr!)
Size 2T shirts
Size 18 month pants
Size 4 diapers
Size 6W shoes
Finally likes something other than Baby Einstein: Elmo's World and Thomas
Loves his pal, Sammi
Is an amazing Big Brother-loves his sister already so much!
Still in his crib-big boy bed coming in the next few months
Loves racquet balls, or if there is a choice of colored balls, blue.
Loves building with the mega blocks
Loves being outside whenever possible
Loves to rock and read books before going to bed
Sweetheart-he really is my little lover boy! Loves kisses and cuddles!
Then he got to have one present, which is his new Leap Frog birthday cake that actually lets you blow out the candles! I was hoping it would help him with his fear of singing the happy birthday song and help with far, so good!
He got to spend the morning with Rachel and his friends and then had a special Sonic birthday lunch that we took to Nana at work. He was so excited to see her! After his nap and some play time, we ordered pizza, one of his favorites, from Pullano's! What a fun day!
His birthday party was planned for that weekend. I had planned it before I had Brooke and because I wasn't sure when I was going to have her, I invited family only to Rio Vista Park. That way I wouldn't have to clean my house after just having a baby and because I knew the kids of all ages would enjoy the place. It's beautiful there! We were able to get a ramada right by the pond, so the ducks came to visit often. I decorated with an Elmo theme since he's recently taken a liking to him.
We had sub sandwiches, crackers, cheese, grapes and the cutest cake! Ryan's mom got his cake from Bakerwee (a family fave!) and they did an amazing job! The little Elmo on the top turns into a spork for him to use while eating his birthday slice. The Sesame Street decorations were rings that the kids could wear. I loved it and it was a big hit!
Then it was present time! He wasn't too interested in opening his presents, so Ryan and I had the pleasure of doing it for him. He was spoiled!! He's set on winter clothes (ps-he looks adorable in jeans and long sleeved t's!), a train set, Thomas tent and toys, educational toys to help him talk, and of course, some trucks!
It really was a fantastic day-beautiful weather and surrounded by people that love him the most! He's grown so much in the past year and I can't wait to see what the year brings to him! Happy second birthday little man! We love you so much!!!
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